Such a frightful little word. The funny part about that is, being terminated is the last thing you need to worry about as a worker of The Valley. Indeed not, our workers just tend to quit.
You would literally have to pull a major "oh-NO-she-didn't" stunt in order to get fired, and even after being fired, you would still be asked to come back because no one else is biting at the employment ads.
With new businesses and restaurants setting up shop in the city, workers both disgruntled and desperate are heading for the hills in search of new opportunities. Running, full speed ahead out of The Valley, and refusing to look back. Good riddens. Auf wiedersehen!
This however manifests a rotten anxiety for hiring new willing, able and competent workers as quickly as possible.
Working at a privately owned restaurant is MUCH different than working corporate. Employees have to learn that there is no such thing as "the corporate ladder" as far as chain of command. The owner basically embodies this divine right as it is his restaurant. There are no systems of checks and balances. Rules can be made up, ammended or abolished at any given time. Rules also don't apply to everyone...there's always the exception.
Our staff gives every new worker anywhere from a week to a month tops before they realize the bullshit that goes on and reactively pull a Houdini, mysteriously disappearing without so much as a peep like many workers before them.
Here is what the new staff is looking like these days:
The Hippie Rocker- A vagabond, jack of all trades, musician at heart, Ozzy* is the new addition to the dwindling line of bartenders. I also consider him crazy enough to a certain degree for actually, genuinely liking being employed at The Valley. Time will tell with this one.
The Fellow Foreigner- I'll call him Lazarus*. We hired him in because he speaks broken English at best yet fluent Arabic, which helps a great deal as a majority of the guests are Middle Eastern. The issue with Lazarus is that he is lacksadaisical and bull-headed. He has probably quit a good three times, and still asks to come back. And even still? We take him back. (When will we learn?) Beggars can't be choosers apparently. At times, I feel as though we'll hire anything with a pulse.
The Mother Teresa- In an industry where you constantly take crap from coworkers, cooks, guests,'s diffficult to always maintain an unwaivering level of tempermant. If certain problems don't get under your skin, I would assume there is something wrong with you. Little Miss Mary* Sunshine hailed from always-sunny Arizona but couldn't stand the dark, cloudy atmosphere of our waitstaff. Like they say, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. See ya, Mary.
The Girl Next Door- A brunette version of fresh-faced actress, Elisha Cuthbert, Danni* is not to be confused with the role of the character in that movie. Danni is probably the youngest worker at The Valley so we'll see what she's made of. The bonus is that she hasn't been jaded by the restaurant industry... yet.
The Time-Bomb- A fiesty "ride or die" type chick, bold and brazen, raised as the daughter of a trucker with of course a mouth to show for it. Between all the "what's fair and what isn't," I can see a going-postal explosion of ferocious verbal diarrhea in her future whenever she decides to walk the plank.
The Poker Face Pro- Morgan... not much to say, other than the fact that she strongly reminds me of Daria. Dry humor glazed over in a thick-coated monotone. Sardonic yet straight-faced.
The Go-Getter- We've had hostesses before that were only good for looking pretty at the front stand. They made more outgoing calls than answering incoming, and carrying out high-chairs was too physical of a task. Sweeter than pie, Ella* seems like a bit of a space cadet at times but you'll find she works harder than all of the other hostesses combined and has yet to complain. Trooper for sure.
The Temptress- Natasha*, as in Natasha from Waiting, is one of the newest hostesses. If you've seen the movie, I've said enough for you to paint your own picture.
The Cabbage Patch Kid- Aside from the fact that she looks like she's not a day over thirteen, she is also named after a vegetable. Apple*- yes, I know that is a fruit- is also a hostess and so far, so good. Sitting tables... It's not rocket science, right?
Always an odd bunch.
They come and they go.
You don't have to like them all. Equally, they aren't obligated to like you.
Some only last a week.
Others ride it out for several years.
There are those who are lazy, while a few are the true work horses who support the entire team.
We're all looking for something else out there. Something with more meaning that brings a larger, more fulfilling purpose to our lives. Perhaps we only have to struggle for the moment so we can better ourselves. Learn from the experience. Build character. Cultivate good ethics. Realize what does, and does not matter in this life. One could only hope we will possess the selflessness it takes to work toward the betterment of others, not just ourselves. But while we're here, we might as well enjoy it for what it's worth.
Strive on.
Photo Credit:
You're Fired-
Download Big Daddy-
Whoopi Goldberg Quits 'Sister Act'...-
Why Daria Should Never Come Back to Television-
Women of Waiting-
Miss Neeshabeth's Blog-
Online Dating Profile-
Images of The Girl Next Door-
Legally Blonde 2 Pictures-
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