There's always a fuzzy line drawn between what is and isn't acceptable for PDAs.
Do we just hold hands? Fingers laced or hands cupped? Can they see where my mitts are under the table? Wait, freeze. He's going in for a kiss. If you allow just a peck, you'll worry he'll think you're a prude, but anything longer and everyone else will think you're a whore. Do I close my eyes? Is he closing his? Everyone's watching. Shit, everyone really is watching. What the fuck, did that girl just take a picture...
Well. These thoughts cross the minds of some people. Others, not so much.
I've mentioned before that I've worked at a different restaurant, The Bison Bar, a while back. Of course this joint isn't as upscale and classy as the one I'm at now, but that isn't the point.
The crowd that frequents the restaurant is very diverse- the younger crowd for the dollar pint specials, business professionals from the area as well as local families. Every once in a while, there was a random "you don't come here often" couple that ambled in.
Whether this was the old man and his much younger and way-too-obvious escort, or the intoxicated couple coming back from seeing Eddie Money, it didn't matter. No one deserves to come into a restaurant to eat, only to see an older couple playing tonsil hockey. For a moment, it could be confused with a little mouth-to-mouth CPR but who are we kidding? It's downright disgusting. It makes your insides turn ever so slightly, and your meal begin to lose its flavor. It's almost as revolting as when you see someone pop out their dentures at the table and swish them around in their glass. Usually it's just enough PDA to make you blush and turn away. This was more comparable to a trainwreck. You can't help but gawk. Total National Geographic. Too graphic for me.

And with a shudder, I just got goosebumps.
Even today at The Valley I got front row tickets to see a couple tongue wrestling and another female nearly go skiing at the booth she was sitting at, sandwiched between two men. (Mom: this is something I refuse to explain to you. Please refer to Urban Dictionary.) The interaction escalates to the point where it's almost tempting to just hand over a list of the nearest hotels, and quickly usher them out of the building. I'm terribly sorry we have no vacancies as this is The Valley, NOT Super 8.
The blatant disregard for basic manners has led me to wonder this; Is there no tact anymore? Where has the decency gone? Clearly PDAs don't discriminate. From your down home burger joint to your finer dining establishment, people can't seem to keep their hands off of eachother and their saliva to themselves. And no. I'm not just writing this because I ain't got no lovin' of my own and I'm a single and cynical bitch. I'm a cynical bitch regardless, lovin' or no lovin'. Again, that's besides the point. I'm writing this today because there's an epidemic of "I don't care what anyone else thinks, Ima do me" attitude sweeping the nation and it's downright annoying.
MTV Cribs used to always introduce a celebrity's bedroom with, "This is where the magic happens" because it's TRUE. The "magic" belongs THERE, not up sitting at a barstool with other guests and employees serving as spectators.
Like the last post, this one has a similiar lesson or moral to the story if you shall.
If it isn't polite, keep it to yourself. Be aware of your surroundings, and whom you may offend.
If anything else, it can at least wait until you get out to your car.
Keep Calm & Get Your Freak On (in the privacy of your own home)
"Why You Should Love Public Displays of Affection"-
"Public Display of Affection"-
"Relationship Advice: I don't like PDAs"-
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