Things like be respectful at work, be mindful of others and of your guests' needs.
Show up on time. Complete your sidework before, after and during your shift.
My phone goes off while I'm working last night and I let it go to messaging.
I glanced down real quick to see a random 313 number. I thought to myself, "If the contact was not stored in my phone, it must not be important."
Guess who?
Guess who?

It was 98.7 AMP Radio calling for the Phrase That Pays and I instead got a voice message letting me know I missed out on winning a cool $1,000.
You know, "More hit music every hour.
Wayyyy less commercials.
Detroit's new 98.7 Amp Radio!"?
Yeah. That.
I can only hope that this rare opportunity comes back around, and at the same time I can only laugh and shake my head in utter disbelief. Yeah, this shit would happen to me. Honestly, if I didn't have BAD luck, I would have no luck at all.
Taken from the Facebook page of "Gillian"
"How to Get Out of a Traffic Ticket"-
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