"Bartender," I was unaware, is also code for "secret keeper of the people". Rule of thumb, if you don't want your business out there, do not make it so widely known. You find out more things than you wish you ever knew. Who's got illegal business. Who enjoys the finer offerings of the titty bars. Who dabbles in wheeling, dealing and partaking of drugs. Who's cheating on their spouse. Enough information to make your head spin, and certainly enough to ruin the lives of half the socialites.
At the end of the day, "bartending" is exhausting, leaving you with a heavy heart, and a conscience that just feels...dirty. Guilty by association. Of course, as a bartender, one is expected to listen, nod, smile, offer those two glimmering cents worth of advice and then simply let it roll off your back-- out of memory-- in one ear and out the other.
Unfortunately that is not always the case. Hearing just about everything under the sun, it can weigh on you and keep you up at night. So what is the code of conduct here? The wise man said nothing? Sometimes it makes me wonder. Is honesty the best policy?
It is well known that the "right" thing to do is most often times also the hardest, and obviously the least glamorous thing to do. You either stand idly by and watch people hurt each other, or you choose to speak up and become the villain-- even the outcast, marked with betrayal. Those who stick by you are your true friends.
Recently I was put on the spot. Word travels fast in a town so small...and I, I took the road less traveled by. Has all of that made a difference? I don't know. I know I lost a friend, potentially ruined something big for him. Only time will tell. I just know that I'm worn out from playing dumb-- because that is something I am most certainly not. I'm also not a good liar. Never was, and never will be.
Sometimes the truth hurts.
"In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."
-- Mother Teresa
--Malia Etienette
Photo Credit:
Kid on Couch- www.adsoftheworld.com
Gossip- www.cnn.com
Buddha- www.what-buddha-said.net
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