Of course not. Why would I deny anyone that necessity? We're all only human.
She rambled on that she would leave me a tip, mumbled thank you and hustled off down the long stretch of the hallway towards her salvation.
I get it. I know, at times, my owner cringes when non-paying customers use our facilities. He doesn't want the place turning into the stationed port-a-john of the city. But here's the thing, people aren't going to turn the place into a dump and dash, so relax. No one wants that awkward walk of shame when they have to ask to use the facility as it is, so it won't turn into a free for all.
She returned with a twenty clutched in her hand, asking for change. This time around, I denied her. Why take money for services non-rendered? I simply responded that for the day I need assistance, I would hope the person is just as understanding.
Paying it forward, is what she told me-- that's what I just did. I know I've mentioned it before but, the way she said it just stuck a chord with me and something resonated.
Last night at work, a regular dining in checked up on me. Asked how was I was doing. The whole, not just 'how are you', but 'how are you really doing'? Asked what I would want most in life to be happy and to get ahead. I told him that it's not like I'm rubbing on any magic genie lamps, but I would more than anything want to get back into school and finish.
So what was holding me back? A lovely little thing called a financial hold. That's what. Thanks Education Nazis. If that's what it took, then he would help. No questions asked. No repayment necessary. Nothing owed. Nothing creepy. Only genuine intentions. He explained how someone helped him out a long time ago, and it was time he repaid that debt.
Is this Karma? Is this the cyclical way in which life works? No, this is him, paying it forward. Surely I don't want to get too excited, get ahead of myself like I usually do. But if this is legit, I'll drop everything and break out into my foolish little happy dance... and then get back to the books as soon as possible. With knowledge comes growth and the ability to make great strides--Then again... when something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
Steadily, one foot in front of the other, until I can run.
-Malia Etienette
Photo Credits:
90 Sketches in 90 Days: www.larissameek.com
Free the Pee- A Plea for More Common Sense Customer Service: www.douglaserice.com
Aladdin (Disney Character): en.wikipedia.org
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