This is the exact quote that sparked into my head as I heard the screech of metal upon metal collide. This quote also unfortunately describes a good portion of the population of the city I reside and am employed in.
Whether they actually reside here or elsewhere, work in the area, or have somehow managed to make an expensive place like Buckingham their regular hangout, it's those reeking of an heir of entitlement that act as such...the "who do you think you are's" and "how dare you's" with a touch of the "do you know who I am's" and my personal favorite, "the owner and I are friends".
And yes, I do say this because of the fact that we encounter people like this daily-- Now this isn't the whole of this city, absolutely not, but it does represent a good part. Good enough that certain behaviors, attitudes and personas are no longer surprising, but expected to come with the package.
Women, who drop their own wine glass and then offer up their heeled foot for you to wipe it as if we offered a shoe shining service on top of just the food and beverage.
Confronted with a soiled shoe, dangling mid-air in your face, the lady looks down upon you as though she is Christ and you are her Mary Magdalene...minus the gratitude and adoration.
All you can think is "excuse me?" while the look on your face properly says, "eat shit."
Bitchy girls who wear skirts so high you can see their crotch from the front, who shit all over guys who do approach them, and then just look desperate while the ones they're after fail to strike while the iron's hot because their wallet-sniffing can be sensed a mile away. ("Haven't you heard?," said Daisy to Gatsby, "Rich girls don't marry poor boys." FSF...a mantra to learn in this city)
Misbehaved and ill-disciplined children who will have a mind-shattering and humorously rude awakening of how society really works when reality hits in the future.
And men who... don't even get me started.
I watched the young boy climb out of his newer-model, shiny luxury vehicle and examine the truck of the blue-collar worker all banged up...and then dreadfully turn to see the crunched up passenger door of his own as his hands instinctively clapped to his mouth. All because he didn't want to wait for the car in front of him to hook a left at the light.
But nothing a credit card can't fix...gloss over...erase such a nagging mark from existence. Money always has its way. With money comes power, priveledge and apparently today, the right of way.
I observe the face of the worker from afar. Aged and distraught. I know, as another worker, where this is coming from. The worry and stress of taking on yet another bill, unexpectedly when you're already tapped out and bled dry.

I can empathise-- and I do, as I sit down on the bench from which I'm writing this account-- watching the worker offer up his information to the unphased policeman as if he was offering up the last ten dollars to his name.
I consider my day so far, and what I've been dealing with lately...and I take a deep breath.
Today isn't so bad. There is always someone else out there who is having a harder time than you. So you might not hold all the poker chips, just learn to play the best hand that you were dealt. Folding isn't an option at this particular table. There are always the positives in life. Find them.
Malia Etienette
Photo Credit:
Daisy & Tom:
Suited Child:
Love Lifted Me:
Fender Bender:
Black Amex:
Grumpy Old Ken 3/2011:
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